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'Interior of the Future' by Jantien Broere

Jantien Broere is a sustainable interior designer with a passion for ecofriendly, fair, and healthy living. She focuses on natural and circular materials with a long lifespan. From her love for nature and belief in a better world, she wrote the handbook "Interior of the Future." A valuable guide for anyone looking to make their home more sustainable and responsible. It offers a wealth of inspiration with practical information for a sustainable interior. By Mölle is one of the sustainable brands Jantien recommends in her book, and she writes about the Pine Cabin as well. Providing a great opportunity to get acquainted.

How did the book 'Interior of the future' come about?
"The idea for the book originated from my love for nature. I draw a lot of inspiration, happiness, and health from nature, but I also see how it is declining. With this book, I want to positively raise awareness among people and show how beautiful it can be to furnish your interior sustainably. The more I learned about the interior sector, the more I felt the need to share that knowledge. The statistics were sometimes so alarming that everyone should know this. It is more important than ever to make conscious choices in our lives, not only in food and fashion but also in our interior. This movement starts with all of us together. Everything you buy has an impact on our planet. Fortunately, there are so many wonderful initiatives that strive to produce as sustainably as possible. 'Interior of the Future' not only provides background knowledge but also inspiring examples. The book includes seven interior views of sustainably furnished homes and 120 addresses of the most beautiful sustainable products and brands, with useful websites and book tips."Jantien BroereWhat should everyone know?
"From my work as a sustainable designer, I see the explosive impact of waste and pollution from our interior on the earth. This is due to the fast furniture industry, where furniture, like fast fashion, is quickly replaced due to trends and low quality. Many of these products come from China, are cheap, and break quickly. The scale of the problem is particularly shocking. Research shows that the interior of an average Dutch family is almost twice as polluting as their wardrobe. When I read that, I knew I had to contribute to raising awareness about this. It is a blind spot that is not well known. In Europe, more than 11 billion kilograms of furniture are discarded every year. Collections follow each other rapidly, accessories are trend-sensitive, and furniture has become disposable products. Sixty percent of the furniture sold in Europe comes from China. These furniture pieces often only last an average of seven years because they are quickly and cheaply assembled. Most end up being burned or in landfills, with only ten percent being recycled. Unfortunately, there are also many more hidden abuses such as exploitation, poor working conditions, child labor, illegal deforestation, use of toxic substances, destruction of nature and biodiversity, and pollution from large oil tankers transporting our goods. Many people are unaware that their furniture and other interior products often have a short lifespan, are polluting, and have a significant impact on their health. With this book, I want to show in a positive way how beautiful it can be to furnish your interior sustainably. How nice is it to have an interior that is not only better for our planet but also contributes to more equality, health, and well-being for every living being on earth?" 

What did you consider when selecting the 120 sustainable addresses?
"Collecting the 120 addresses in my book took years. My eyes and ears were always open to new and interesting sustainable initiatives. When you're interested in something, you naturally notice more about it. It's positive and hopeful to see so many people working in a great way on sustainability. These initiatives need to be seen. I want to shout it from the rooftops and show how beautiful and innovative these solutions are. It's important to mention that my book is not sponsored by any of the mentioned brands. In addition to my own research, I was able to use research from organizations such as Milieu Centraal and The Substitute to substantiate the story."Interieur van de toekomst, Pine CabinWhat are the benefits of a sustainable interior?
"A sustainably furnished home that you have taken the time for offers so many benefits. By using natural materials, you improve your well-being. Scientific research shows that natural materials and plants in your environment improve your health and performance. By consciously choosing, you make a positive impact on both the environment and your own health. It's about furniture and materials that last a long time and whose production has no negative impact on our earth. Sustainable products are often made with great attention and love from beautiful natural materials, which is visible in the quality. This is an important aspect that I want to emphasize in my book. This makes you feel better, have more energy, and contribute to a healthier earth. This gives your purchase extra value and a good feeling because you know you are doing something positive for your own health and for the environment. Sustainable interior products are not dusty or outdated, but beautifully and thoughtfully designed. Look, for example, at your By Mölle store in Hattem, where each piece is a beautiful example of sustainable design. Perhaps you buy less often, but when you do buy something, it is of high quality and lasts a long time. This makes you value it more and cherish it more."Natuurlijke materialen By MölleCan you give a few tips from your book to make your interior more sustainable?
Here are a few concrete tips from my book for a sustainable interior:
• Don't buy new right away: first, see if you can repair, fix, or refurbish something. This is the most important step towards a sustainable interior.
• Use healthy and sustainable materials: choose natural materials that have no negative impact on the environment, such as solid wood, natural textiles, and paint made from minerals or linseed oil.
• Buy locally: try to buy products that are produced locally or within Europe to reduce transportation emissions.
• Opt for repairable furniture: ensure that your furniture is easy to repair. A sofa with replaceable upholstery or a customisable cabinet will last longer.
• Invest in timeless designs: opt for timeless pieces that are not trend-sensitive and that you can use for a long time, such as a sturdy wooden dining table or sofa.
• Use natural materials: for your bedroom, consider linen bedding and furniture without harmful glues or coatings. Curtains made from hemp, linen, organic, and fair-trade cotton are very sustainable fabrics when it comes to window coverings.
• Choose multifunctional and modular furniture: think of furniture that can grow with you or is multifunctional, such as a modular cabinet that you can expand.

    What are the biggest polluters in our interior?
    "The production of furniture and interior materials has a significant impact on our earth and our health. Which furniture and materials are the most polluting is difficult to say because there are quite a few. In my book, I mention ten points of attention including PVC floors, window coverings and upholstery fabrics made from synthetic fabrics, polluting dyes, furniture, and accessories made in China or other countries outside of Europe. The best thing you can do is be alert and inquire when making a purchase, where does it come from? What is it made of? Can it be recycled? Is it made of purely natural materials or does it also contain polyester? The same goes for your bedroom. I discovered that many furniture pieces, sofas, and beds are made of sheet material containing carcinogenic substances that evaporate. Or how polluting many mattresses are. And we sleep in them daily. Also, pay attention to your bedding if it's made of cotton. Cotton cultivation is highly polluting; 16% of global pesticides are used for cotton, which also consumes a lot of water. All of this affects our health and the environment. I would prefer interior products, like food, to have a label displaying various data so that you know exactly what's in them. On my website, I provide a checklist that you can download to take with you when buying items for your interior." Linnen gordijnen van By MölleDid you know?
    The waste pile and thus the CO2 emissions are still growing. To meet the ever-growing demand for furniture and interior materials, the following is produced worldwide every week:
    - 52,000 hectares of forest are cleared
    - 100,000 tons of PVC are produced
    - 50,000 tons of cotton are produced, with 16% of the worldwide toxic insecticides

      Can you give an example you're proud of?
      "It's amazing to see how many people work with passion and dedication on solutions that are both sustainable and aesthetically appealing. This makes me optimistic. I believe that truly good designs are timeless. This applies to music, books, and also to interiors. When something is made with so much love and attention, I want to share it with the world. The people and addresses I have collected need to be seen. It is my mission to give them a platform."

      What is your dream?
      "My dream is for sustainability to become the new norm. That in ten years, we won't talk about sustainable interior design as something special, but as the standard. I hope people are aware of their impact on the earth and that there is no longer a negative impact when furnishing our homes. I hope this change in mindset leads to an automatic, conscious choice for sustainability. I hope my book contributes to this change and helps create a more sustainable world and more beautiful interiors."

      For more information, visit Designstudio Jantien Broere​​. Here you can also order the book 'Interior of the Future' and read more about her portfolio projects, sustainable interior advice, and Jantien as a speaker.Jantien Broere, Interieur van de toekomst