A beautiful autumn day at our country hide-away Lemelerberg Lodge. Captured by Lina Hamer, founder of Moonshine Vintage. With her conscious fashion label Lina curates a collection of unique vintage clothing that she captures with her analog camera. Lina spent some days at our lodge together with her love Luka, to shoot her new collection. The dreamy, magical feel she creates with her images just want you to be part of her adventures, and these slow moments at the lodge.
"We had the honor to shoot our winter collection in collaboration with By Mölle. We stayed in their lodge in Lemelerberg which is a true dream. It is filled with all of the wonderful products of By Mölle. Linen sheets, handmade mugs, merino blankets. Nothing else but quietness, the warmth of the wood stove and a magnificent view. Basic and slow living".
“Since I’ve started Moonshine Vintage I try to capture each piece on 35 mm film. We always take the camera to capture our adventures. I love the imperfections of analog and it has a lot more personal value. It has, just as vintage clothing a unique authenticity."

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