Design out Waste collection
There is no such thing as ‘away'.
When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.
In the Netherlands we throw away 210.000 kilotons of textiles every year. We want to change this and give textiles a second life with our Design out Waste collection. After more than a year of development together with Annemieke Koster, Dutch weaver and founder of Enschede Textielstad, we make a next step in recycling textiles with this woven wrap. Made of recycled cotton without adding synthetic fibers. We use the original colours of the yarns, so dying is not necessary.
“Recycling – to break something down into raw materials that are then used to make new items. Recycling reduces waste, saves energy, and reduces the consumption of raw materials.”

We believe the future of fashion is circular. Recycling reduces waste, saves energy, and minimizes the consumption of raw materials. Globally one garbage truck of textiles gets landfilled or burned every second. Clothing is so cheap it is almost disposable, discarded after only a few wears. We want to change this by developing new designs made of recycled textiles.